Chandler is an outstanding free personal organizer software for people who are always on the go. The software contains many tools to organize your appointments, tasks and reminders to effectively manage your time. The software also includes a free email client called Chandler Hub and a desktop application called Chandler Calendar. It can easily be used to create and view a customized desktop calendar that can be shared with others.
Downloading the free version of Chandler is easy. Just go to the downloaded file and click on the start button, followed by the option to download it. When you install the software, it will automatically install the necessary programs for your Mac OS X operating system. Then you can use the main menu to launch Chandler and start using the different features available in the software. You will find several options to customize the display settings, including font size, color, style and transparency.
To download the software, go to the website of the Chandler company and follow the instructions for the download. Then you just need to follow the prompts and enter the download path of the downloaded file, then select the installation options and save the file. You will then see a window with the installer window, where you can choose the location of the downloaded file. The installer will proceed and after finishing, you will be able to start using the free version of Chandler. To finish the free trial, you have to purchase the full version of the software in order to activate it.